
About the Theme

One of the biggest contributors to carbon dioxide emissions is the transportation sector, which includes cars, buses and even planes. In 2019, emissions from this sector made up 29% of total U.S. carbon emissions. It’s clear that reducing our carbon footprint means that we are going to have to change our methods of transportation. Join day 3 of our conference to learn more about how vehicles cause carbon emissions and the steps you can take to reduce them.


Meet Our Speakers

Marta K Bello (Morning)

A Dutch advocate, and an entrepreneur, Marta began her journey by exploring the field of Energy and Sustainability. Starting by being an environmental engineer, Marta has made significant contributions in the field. With her knowledge of the power of harnessing solar energy, she founded Sun and Co., a non-profit organization working on implementing solar power in less accessible areas and making it ideal for people of all standings. She has now moved her findings and research into the transportation sector, working with well known minds to create a more eco-friendly means of transportation. Expanding her organization and solar power into the busy roads we travel on, she is already making huge advances!

Lakshmi K Abramson (Evening)

Ceo of Green Tech, one of the biggest up and coming businesses in India, at the age of 25 and making Forbes 30 under 30, Lakshmi has always had her mindset on one goal: creating technological advancement without the expense of the world around us. An avid advocate for green energy, she's known for her active role in bringing up more greener practices in India. Whether it is in the batteries you use or the cars you drive, she has paved the way for a change in huge sectors such as transportation.

The Virtual Aspect

Join our virtual stations that are filled with virtual games and renderings where we teach you about three different aspects of transportation emissions.

Deeper Learning

Discuss what you’ve learned with everyone in your station to gain a deeper understanding of the content you’re learning.

Station Leaders

Our station leaders are experts on the content they’re teaching so feel free to ask them any questions you have.


Take the quiz at the end of each station for a chance of being entered into a raffle for a cool, green prize.

Virtual Presentation

Join our virtual presentation to learn about what individuals like you can do to reduce your vehicle emissions. We understand that not every method is convenient for everyone. So, we suggest numerous solutions because we believe that sustainable living should be for everyone.

Politician Panel

Another large part of tackling vehicle emissions is petitioning local and national politicians to pass electric vehicle friendly laws and improve public transportation. We give you the opportunity to do exactly that at our politician panel, where officials from various local, state, and federal departments in the US listen to your concerns and answer your questions.